SO Sexual orientation
GI/E Gender identity/expression
SC Variations of sex characteristics
GR1 Legal gender recognition without self-determination
GR2 Legal gender recognition with self-determination (over 16)
GR3 Legal gender recognition with self-determination (under 16)
FPN LGBTI focal points network
CA Ministerial call to action
  • 87,5 – 100
  • 75 – 87,5
  • 62,5 – 75
  • 50 – 62,5
  • 37,5 – 50
  • 25 – 37,5
  • 12,5 – 25
  • 0 – 12,5
  • Anti-discrimination
    law in education

    Total: 0

    The Andorran Constitution (1993) states that all persons have the right to education, which shall be orientated towards the dignity and full development of the human personality, thus strengthening the respect for freedom and fundamental rights (art. 20). It also states that no one may be discriminated against on grounds of birth, race, sex, origin, religion, opinions or any other personal or social condition, but it does not mention sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or variations in sex characteristics as protected grounds.

    The Law on qualified education (1993, art. 4) establishes that one of the main goals of education is to train children and young people in respect for diversity and fundamental human rights, and in the exercise of tolerance and freedom, within the democratic principles of coexistence and pluralism. This law does not specifically mention LGBTQI learners, but civil society organisations report that they are still protected by this law. Likewise, the Law on the Regulation of the General Educational System (1994) shares the same principle and states that everyone has the right to be offered the full development of their personality (physical, intellectual and moral). The Secondary Education Management Act (2007) specifies that students should learn the principles and democratic values of society including respecting diversity.

  • Policies and
    action plans

    Total: 10

    Andorra has an Anti-Bullying Action Plan (2016). This plan is aimed to “strengthen civic coexistence and break the silence in regard to school bullying, (…) raise awareness on its social problems, (…) and provide students and school staff with tools to tackle this issue”. The action plan establishes different specific activities such as school staff training, awareness campaigns, an action protocol in case of discrimination, and a school climate survey. Although this plan does not mention specifically LGBTQI learners or their needs, civil society organisations report that they are included.

  • Inclusive national

    Total: 7

    The educational curriculum is based on the promotion of human rights values and it transversally works to promote respect for diversity among all learners. Civil society organisations report that LGBTQI issues are included in different subjects. The curriculum, however, does not specifically mention sexual or gender diversity. The Physical and Natural Sciences programme is the only subject of the national curriculum that contains specific contents on sexuality (heterosexuality and homosexuality). Contents on LGBTQI issues are not included in any other subject. The Anti-Bullying Action Plan (2016) foresees some specific training activities with students to learn how to tackle bullying and violence at school.

  • Teacher training on
    LGBTQI awareness

    Total: 0

    On May 2016, an LGBTQI civil society organisation (Som Com Som) organised a training session for teachers on LGBTQI issues. The training provided teachers and other educational staff with tools to work the topic of sexual orientation in schools. This workshop was run in collaboration with the Ministry of Education as part of the Anti-Bullying Action Plan (2016) and was the first time that the organisation provided such training to education professionals. This activity, however, was not mandatory for all teachers and there is no specific pre-service training for school staff.

  • Gender

    Total: 0

    There are no clear legal or administrative proceedings to change name or gender marker.

  • Data collection of

    Total: 0

    The government does not provide data on homophobic, biphobic, transphobic and interphobic bullying. Bullying and harassment data is however collected using two official documents included on the Anti-Bullying Action Plan (2016). The first is to report a case of bullying and harassment to the educational authorities and to the education inspectorate and the second is to notify the closure of a case of bullying/harassment to the educational authorities and to the education inspectorate. The education inspectorate is responsible for collecting, monitoring and controlling the evolution of all notified cases.

  • Support

    Total: 10

    The Anti-Bullying Action Plan (2016) foresees psychological support, family attention and mediation for people who have experienced discrimination. These activities are carried out at school in cooperation with other institutional organisations (Ministries of Health, Social Welfare or Justice). Civil society organisations (i.e. Som com som) offer specific support for LGBTQI learners to address specific situations. The Ombudsman can also receive complaints of discrimination based on sexual orientation orgender identity andexpression.

  • Information and

    Total: 10

    Andorran authorities have implemented measures designed to promote understanding of and respect for LGBTQI people. The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance reports that information (such as circulars), protection, and support is available to all learners, as well as protection and support.

  • Partnership between
    governments and civil society

    Total: 10

    The government of Andorra provides funding for LGBTQI civil society organisations and works in co-operation with them in the area of education. (see Teacher trainingand Information and guidelines).

  • International

    Total: 5

    – Andorra signed the Call for Action by Ministers – Inclusive and equitable education for all learners in an environment free from discrimination and violence.

    – Andorra is not a member of the European Governmental LGBTI Focal Points Network.

  • Further